BC's Agriculture

Farm Animals 101 Contest

Mark your calendar!

Fruit 101 Contest

BCAITC's Fruit 101 Contest starts on April 20 and runs daily for 5 days. Answer fruit trivia questions on BCAITC's Facebook page and/or Instagram page for a chance to win one of two dai

Veggie 101 Contest

Contest is now closed! Congratulations to all the winners. Stay tuned for BCAITC's Fruit 101 Contest coming soon!

Farm Credit Canada & Springford Farm Donation

BC Agriculture in the Classroom Foundation (BCAITC) is pleased to announce that it is the recipient of a generous $1,250 donation from Farm Credit Canada (FCC) on behalf of Ross and Erin Springford

Discover the world of BC's Agriculture with Grow BC

This month we unveil our newest resource Grow BC, which will immerse teachers and their students in the wonderful world of agriculture.

Celebrating Liberation with a Promise

In commemoration of the 75th Anniversary of the liberation of the Netherlands we have partnered with Van Noort Bulb Company and the Dutch Liberation Canadian Society to bring ‘Canadian Liberator tulip bulbs’ to our Planting a Promise program.

Teachers Discover BC's Agriculture with EAT Tour

The best way to experience agriculture is to see it firsthand. That means meeting the farmer, walking inside the greenhouse, or the dairy barn and of course eating the delicious food that we produce in BC!

Cooking Ramen with Chef Randle

There is not much more that inspires me than local foods. Each time I am in my local butcher shop, or in my favourite produce store, I am always thinking of ways to best highlight the food. Like everyone else, I am also constantly on the lookout for healthy, quick and tasty meal ideas.