Our Story

Our Roots

BC Agriculture in the Classroom Foundation (BCAITC) is a non-profit, charitable organization that works with educators to bring BC agriculture and food education to K-12 students throughout the province.

BCAITC was founded in 1992 by a small group of farmers, teachers, and agriculture enthusiasts who had a passion for teaching about agriculture, and since then, the organization has grown by leaps and bounds! We now reach over 500,000 students province-wide.

Established as a registered society in BC in 1999, we maintain charitable status with Canada Revenue Agency and continue our work through the support of private donors and BC’s agriculture community. We also work with the BC Ministry of Health, the BC Ministry of Agriculture, Food, and Fisheries, and the BC Ministry of Education to manage a major healthy schools program, the BC School Fruit & Vegetable Nutritional Program (BCSFVNP).

Since 2016, BCAITC has been a proud provincial member of Agriculture in the Classroom Canada.

Seeds of Learning

BCAITC is governed by a Board of Directors represented by agri-food business leaders, farmers, educators, and health professionals. We provide a multitude of free, interactive programs and 500+ teacher resources that connect students in BC public, First Nations, and independent schools to agriculture and healthy eating. Through our programs, students learn about where their food comes from, how to grow their own food, and why farms and agriculture play such an important role in our communities and society.

Our Mission Statement

  • Working to bring BC agriculture and food education to students throughout the province.

Our Vision Statement

  • Inspiring students to actively engage with BC agriculture and food systems.  

Our Purpose

  • To promote the value of agriculture, sustainable food systems, and the protection of BC's agricultural resource base to our educators, students, and society.
  • To provide educators and students with quality educational resources, programs, and other agricultural information that highlight agriculture as an important part of our economy and way of life.
  • To enable students to make informed decisions about food choices, food safety, the importance of local supplies of food, and other agricultural products.
  • To partner with the education, agriculture, health, and business communities to develop, implement, and evaluate quality initiatives.
  • To promote careers in agriculture as a viable and desirable career choice.
  • To build the relationship between BCAITC and its stakeholders to accomplish the purpose of the Foundation.

Check out Our Story video to find out more about us! Enjoy!


We gratefully acknowledge the place we work is the traditional and unceded territory of the Stó:lō people, the Mathxwi First Nation, and the Sema:th First Nation. We are thankful for the natural beauty and resources of the land we have access to, and aim through our activities, to help students have a greater understanding and appreciation of our planet and our peoples.

Strategic Plan 

Annual Reports

Annual Report