
Sunny-Side-Up! New Egg Resources Launch

BC Agriculture in the Classroom Foundation (BC

Ag-Reading Challenges Result in Over 840,000 Minutes of Reading

The BCAITC Ag-Reading Challenges results are in… and the multi-faceted initiative was an amazing success!

Recommended Reads for CALM

Celebrate Canadian Agriculture Literacy Month (CALM)!  Are you looking for educational agriculture and food theme books for K-12 students to read during BCAITC's Ag-Reading Challenges this March.  Check out this list below. Enjoy!

Summer Learning

Summer is in full swing! With more relaxing days, now is the perfect time for students to learn about BC's amazing agriculture and food story.

Discover the world of BC's Agriculture with Grow BC

This month we unveil our newest resource Grow BC, which will immerse teachers and their students in the wonderful world of agriculture.