Discover the world of BC's Agriculture with Grow BC
This month we unveil our newest resource Grow BC, which will immerse teachers and their students in the wonderful world of agriculture. Grow BC is a resource designed for teachers of all grades to show their students the diversity of our province’s commodities and the importance of BC’s agriculture to individuals and whole communities.
The resource is divided into several different pieces to showcase the many commodities and areas of agriculture in BC. The feature piece is an Interactive map that shows where the commodities are grown throughout the province. Each commodity is represented by an icon, and by clicking on that icon the user is then taken to a full story on that commodity complete with videos, photos and links to supporting sites. The map is supported by resources that provide background on the agriculture industry, ranging from career information to facts and figures of what our province produces. Students can engage with a wide variety of different tools that will help them understand BC's agriculture, but also keep them interested and engaged. For example, there are a number of videos that show the harvest of different commodities, which can be an eye opening experience for someone who has never experienced large scale agriculture.
We would like to thank the many partners who had a hand in helping us bring this resource to life. Teachers, writers, industry professionals, and commodity association partners provided their expertise to ensure the quality and accuracy of this resource. We hope that by using this resource teachers and their students will come away with a better understanding of the diversity and scope of what our farmers produce, and most importantly the many career opportunities this industry supports.
We hope you enjoy discovering BC's agriculture!
To see the full resource visit our Grow BC page