2024 Tapestry Conference
Attend the Tapestry Conference for K-12 teachers on February 16, 2024, and learn about agriculture and food with a workshop presented by BCAITC's Education Specialist, Holly Johnson.
Attend the Tapestry Conference for K-12 teachers on February 16, 2024, and learn about agriculture and food with a workshop presented by BCAITC's Education Specialist, Holly Johnson.
Attend the Surrey Teacher's Association 2024 STA Convention on May 3, 2024, and learn about agriculture and food with a workshop presented by BCAITC's Education Specialist, Holly Johnson.
July 16 - 18 Flowers and Pollinators
Ages: 8 - 12 years old
Activities: Seeding Florals, Love the Bees, Flower Arranging and Medicine Wheel
Attend the 2024 Whistler Cornucopia on November 16, 2024, and learn about BC Agriculture and Food with Chef Trevor Randle on the Culinary Stage.
Register by September 26! Schools can register now to participate in the spring 2021 BC Agriculture in the Classroom Foundation (BCAITC) Spuds in Tubs program.
Celebrate Earth Week! Enjoy a FREE cooking lesson with Chef Trevor Randle from 5:00pm to 6:30pm on Saturday, April 24.
Schools can register September 13 to 30 to participate in the spring 2022 BC Agriculture in the Classroom Foundation (BCAITC) Spuds in Tubs program.
It’s Canada Career Month and we are excited to be able to talk about agriculture and food careers all November long!
Calling all BC learners! To celebrate our 30th year of bringing BC agriculture to BC students and Canadian Agriculture Literacy Month (CALM) we are launching a March Agriculture Literacy Challenge.
Thank you for your interest in the E.A.T. Educators Agriculture Tour. The tour is now sold out.