Canadian Agriculture Literacy Month 2023
Mark your calendar! The 12th annual Canadian Agriculture Literacy Month (CALM) takes place from March 1 to 31, 2023. This national celebration encourages students to learn about and celebrate Canada's rich agriculture and food story. During CALM, K-12 classrooms and homeschools can take part in activities that make connections to reading and agriculture.
BCAITC has many exciting happenings planned throughout March. Check out the highlights below and participate in these activities!
Agriculture Literacy Challenge
Calling all BC learners! To celebrate CALM, we invite you to participate in our 3rd annual online Agriculture Literacy Challenge from March 1 to 31. Discover great books, watch videos, have fun learning about Canadian farming and food, and win prizes!
Over $2,125 IN PRIZES
- Early Bird Prize Draws: Register February 1-28 for a chance to win 1 of 2 $50 Indigo gift cards. Plus, the first 25 teachers to register will receive $25 Starbucks gift cards!
- Weekly Draws: Active participants (who read books, watch videos, complete activities, and post reviews during March) have a chance to win 1 of 2 $100 Indigo gift cards.
- Grand Prize Draws: Win 1 of 2 $250 Indigo gift cards and a BCAITC Literacy Prize Pack! Read books or watch videos about food and farming! Complete any accompanying learning activity and write reviews for more chances to win prizes!
Recommended Reads
BCAITC’s featured book for CALM is Alex's First Seed. This primary-level storybook follows Alex the worm as he learns about soil and grows his first seed. Learning how to sustainability care for soil is something we can all do! Plus, to extend the learnings from this wonderful book in your classroom use We All Share the Same Soil, a new lesson plan for K-3 classrooms.
Click here to find a flyer (see page 2) with more recommended K-12 agriculture books, magazines, and videos for CALM.
Season 2 - The Great Canadian Farm Tour
Starting March 1, sign your class up for Season 2 of The Great Canadian Farm Tour series (live April/May 2023) at www.aitc-canada.ca! Join thousands of classrooms across the country for amazing virtual farm tours!
Share our CALM flyer to help more students and teachers learn about our agriculture literacy event. Be sure to share the event on social media with the hashtags #CALM23 and #OurFoodOurStory.
The Agriculture Literacy Challenge is brought to you by BCAITC with the financial support of The Province of British Columbia through the Ministry of Agriculture and Food.