Outstanding Teacher in Agriculture Award

Outstanding Teacher in Agriculture Award

Outstanding Teacher in Agriculture Award

Connecting Students to Agriculture

Awarding Excellence in Agriculture Education

BC Agriculture in the Classroom Foundation applauds all BC teachers and educators for their continued efforts and dedication towards nurturing a curiosity and passion for agriculture in our youth. Since 2011, it has been our honour to recognize BC teachers who have been champions in agriculture education with our annual Outstanding Teacher in Agriculture Award. This year’s award is sponsored by DairyCrop.

And the Award Goes to...

The BCAITC Outstanding Teacher in Agriculture Award is open to teachers in the BC public, independent, and First Nations school systems. Nominees can be educators in K-12 BC Culinary Arts, Food Studies, Outdoor Studies, Environmental Science, and Life Science, as well as any other teachers whose classroom lessons touch upon agriculture and food.

We’re looking for nominees who contribute unique or excellent teaching tools, techniques, or curriculum content, and/or present ongoing professional development and opportunities to expand students’ and colleagues’ relationships to agriculture learning. Previous recipients of this award include teachers who introduced new agriculture technology programs, hosted agriculture career days, wrote agriculture into the school curriculum, or started their whole school on a garden project.

Nominate an Outstanding Teacher Now!

Nominations for the 2025 Outstanding Teacher in Agriculture Award will open from September 1 to November 15, 2025. If you know a teacher who has gone above and beyond to teach BC's agriculture and food story, we invite you to fill out this nomination form and email it to info@aitc.ca by November 15, 2025.

Past Recipients of the Award

Previous recipients of the annual BCAITC Outstanding Teacher in Agriculture Award include: 2023 — Aaron Veenstra | 2022 — Michelle Johnsrude | 2021 — Robin Ruff | 2020 — Gary Funk |  2019 — Monica Bradury | 2018 — Brian Smith | 2017 — Tania Toth | 2016 — Karla Stroet | 2015 — Patricia Regan| 2014 — Joe Massie | 2013 — Gerald Worobetz | 2012 — Lori Pilling | 2011 — Gail Chan and Trevor Randle. 


Balreet Mandair (Left), Program Director and Shon De Vet (Right), 2024 Outstanding Teacher in Agriculture Award Recipient

2024 Outstanding Teacher in Agriculture - Shon De Vet

BCAITC is pleased to announce Shon De Vet as the recipient of the 2024 BCAITC Outstanding Teacher in Agriculture Award. The award was presented to Shon De Vet for demonstrating outstanding leadership and innovation in agriculture education. BCAITC has been presenting BC teachers with the award since 2004. Previous recipients have received the award for their work with the BC School Fruit and Vegetable Nutritional Program, Spuds in Tubs, Take a Bite of BC, school greenhouse programs, and an entire school approach to agriculture education.

Shon De Vet is a Grade 10 to 12 Culinary Arts teacher from Fleetwood Park Secondary in Surrey, his passion for agriculture and food education stems from a lifelong love for the food industry, which began at the age of nine. As a Red Seal chef since 1992, Shon brings decades of expertise and enthusiasm to his teaching, consistently connecting his students to the world of BC agriculture. Since joining the teaching profession six years ago, Shon has made it a priority to integrate lessons about local food systems, sustainability, and BC’s rich agricultural heritage into his curriculum.

Shon remarks “As a teacher, it’s important to connect students to BC agriculture because it fosters a deeper understanding of local food systems, the economy, and sustainability. By teaching them where their food comes from, we encourage healthier choices, respect for Indigenous traditions, and critical thinking about environmental issues. It’s about inspiring them to care for the land and make choices that contribute to a sustainable future.” Shon credits BCAITC programs like Take a Bite of BC for inspiring his students, he shares “This program beautifully showcases BC’s agricultural bounty, allowing students to explore, touch, and taste fresh local products they might not have encountered before. It cultivates curiosity, a love for local produce, and an appreciation for the richness of BC’s agriculture.”

For educators seeking to integrate agriculture and food education into their classrooms, Shon advises: “Look for where it fits naturally. Share the history of food, cultural influences, and the contributions of Indigenous communities to our culinary traditions. It doesn’t have to be a massive production—simple connections to agriculture can create a meaningful learning experience.”

For his inspiration and leadership in agriculture education, BCAITC is pleased to recognize Shon De Vet with the Outstanding Teacher in Agriculture of the Year award.

Partners Make It Possible — Thank You!

Thank you to DairyCrop for sponsoring the annual Outstanding Teacher in Agriculture Award.

Join Us!

To find out how you or your business can support this exciting program, contact BC Agriculture in the Classroom Foundation or check out our Partnership Opportunities.

Teachers and Schools Ask the Best Questions

Who is eligible for the award?

Any teacher who is currently teaching in the BC K-12 public, independent, or First Nations school system and holds a teaching certificate is eligible for this award.

When is the award winner notified?

We notify the winner of the annual award in early January of the following year.

Award Per Year
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Of Smiles
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