Welcome to Fresh for Kids!
We're excited to announce that the BC School Fruit and Vegetable Nutritional Program has been renamed to Fresh for Kids. This change reflects our ongoing commitment to delivering fresh, local produce to BC schools while making our program more accessible and engaging for our community.
What's Changed?
- Our name: We're now Fresh for Kids
- Our fundraising platform: Visit freshforkids.ca to support our mission
- Enhanced program options: Now offering more flexibility in delivery schedules
What Stays the Same?
- Our commitment to BC schools
- High-quality, local produce from BC farmers
- Direct delivery to schools
- Our dedication to supporting student nutrition & learning
This transition maintains all the aspects you've come to trust while introducing new ways to support and engage with our program. Current participants will experience no disruption in service, and all existing agreements will continue under our new name.
We acknowledge the financial support of the Province of British Columbia through the Ministry of Education and Child Care.
Fresh for Kids (formerly the BC School Fruit and Vegetable Nutritional Program) is a dynamic initiative that connects BC schools with fresh, local produce while supporting our province's agricultural community. Through our program, students receive regular deliveries of nutritious BC-grown fruits and vegetables, along with dairy and protein options, directly to their schools.
Our Mission
To nourish young minds and support local agriculture by delivering fresh, high-quality BC products to schools across the province. Through Fresh for Kids, we create lasting connections between students, schools, and local farmers while promoting healthy eating habits.
Support Fresh for Kids
We believe every student deserves access to fresh, nutritious food. Visit our fundraising platform at freshforkids.ca to:
- Support local schools in your community
- Help expand our program reach
- Contribute to student nutrition initiatives
- Make a difference in BC's food security
Program Benefits
- Direct delivery of fresh BC produce to schools
- Support for local farmers and agriculture
- Competitive bulk pricing
- Flexible delivery schedules
- Quality assurance and food safety standards
- Professional distribution network reaching all corners of BC
How It Works
- Schools or districts choose their preferred program length
- Fresh for Kids coordinates with local farmers and suppliers
- Products are delivered directly to schools on a regular schedule
- Students enjoy fresh, nutritious BC products
- Schools track program success through our online platform
Supporting BC Agriculture
When you participate in Fresh for Kids, you're not just feeding students – you're supporting an entire ecosystem of local farmers, distributors, and agricultural workers. Our program creates sustainable market opportunities for BC farmers while ensuring students receive the freshest possible produce.
The program is supported by schools who choose to use their Feeding Futures Grant, support of school PAC or other funds from the community.
Get Involved
Whether you're a school administrator, parent, or community member, there are many ways to support Fresh for Kids:
- Register your school for the program
- Visit freshforkids.ca to contribute
- Spread the word about our initiative
- Volunteer at your local school
Contact Us
Ready to join Fresh for Kids or have questions? We're here to help:
- Email: help@aitc.ca
- Phone: 1-866-517-6225
We acknowledge the financial support of the Province of British Columbia through the Ministry of Education and Child Care.
Sign Us Up!
Fresh for Kids supports schools to achieve their Feeding Futures goals by sourcing local food at bulk prices from BC farmers and providing regular deliveries of BC fruit, vegetables, dairy and proteins through our distribution network to all corners of the province. Visit freshforkids.ca to learn more about our fundraising initiatives and how you can support this program for your school.
Schools can sign up for Fresh for Kids through either an individual school contract or a district contract for multiple schools. Choose from the following options:
2025-26 school year options coming soon.
- School Order Form
- School Contract Form
- District Agreement Form
- Fundraising Progress Tracking Tools
- 2025-26 Delivery Calendar
Want to support Fresh for Kids? Visit our fundraising platform at freshforkids.ca to learn how you can help bring fresh, local produce to BC schools.
We acknowledge the financial support of the Province of British Columbia through the Ministry of Education and Child Care.
Fresh for Kids Program Resources!
Welcome to our resources section! Here you'll find everything you need to make the most of your Fresh for Kids program experience. Visit freshforkids.ca for additional resources and fundraising opportunities.
Information Sheets: (coming soon)
Top 10 What You Need to Know for Fresh for Kids Delivery 2025-26 Delivery Calendar Role of the In-School Coordinator Monitor Risks of Food Allergies Program Products |
Suggested Portions Product Storage Guide Delivery Policies Product Log Sheets Frequently Asked Questions |
Teacher Information and Activity Sheets
There are several levels of information and activity sheets available as teachers’ materials. The "Fresh Story — Primary" sheets are designed to assist primary teachers in leading their students on discussions about the colour, shape, texture, flavour, smell, and taste of the delivered fruit or vegetable.
For older and middle grade students, “Fresh Story — Intermediate” furthers the discussion by introducing teachers and their students to the growers and suppliers of their classroom delivery. Each “Fresh Story — Intermediate” profiles a BC grower and their product and engages students in exercises and activities related to agriculture, while also incorporating Math, Language Arts, and Social Studies curriculum. At the Secondary level, "Grow BC " is an interactive map that showcases the location of where each commodity is grown. Take a comprehensive look at the wide variety of agriculture in BC!
Primary Fresh Stories (Click on Each Product Name to Download Resource)
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Intermediate Fresh Stories (Click on Each Product Name to Download Resource)
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Information and Activity Sheet
“A Cow’s Tale” is a series of information and activity sheets designed to introduce primary students to the wonderful world of milk and dairy farming.” Available in PDF format, “A Cow's Tale” can be downloaded and printed or displayed on a classroom digital projector or SMART Board.
For Secondary levels, Spotlight Series on Dairy provides videos and learning activities.
Our posters are also great for displaying and making connections to agriculture in your classroom:
What Does It Take to Produce Food
We acknowledge the financial support of the Province of British Columbia through the Ministry of Education and Child Care.
Additional Supporters:
Visit freshforkids.ca to:
- Access fundraising tools and resources
- Track your school's fundraising progress
- Download promotional materials
- Share success stories
- Connect with program supporters
Marketing Materials
- Fresh for Kids Logos and Brand Guidelines
- Newsletter Templates
- Social Media Graphics
- Parent Communication Templates
- Fundraising Campaign Materials
Need assistance? Our team is here to help:
- Technical Support: help@aitc.ca
- Program Questions: 1-866-517-6225
- Visit freshforkids.ca for additional support resources
Want to support Fresh for Kids? Visit our fundraising platform at freshforkids.ca to learn how you can help bring fresh, local produce to BC schools.
We acknowledge the financial support of the Province of British Columbia through the Ministry of Education and Child Care.
Partners Make It Possible — Thank You!
The Fresh for Kids would not be the success it is today without the continued support of our partners in the agricultural industry. With their efforts and teamwork, we are reaching over half a million BC students who enjoy the taste of fresh fruits, vegetables, dairy and egg products. Together, we will keep spreading the word to teachers and their students about BC agriculture and the benefits of healthy eating.
School Year 25/26 Product Procurement RFP
Hello friends of BCAITC and BCSFVNP partners, we are now receiving proposals for the procurement of fresh ready to eat fruit, vegetable and protein products for the 2024/2025 school year. Potential suppliers are asked to submit business applications by Friday, May 30th, 2025
Click here for program information and criteria details. Please review all the details, and ensure you submit the “RFP 2025-26 Appendix 1” with your application.
Program Partners
Envision Financial Community Endowment
Bandstra Transportation Systems Ltd.
DSKD Transport
DW Winland
H&G Contracting
I.D. Works Delivery Services Ltd.
Mayne Island Courier
Nootka Sound Service Ltd.
North Island Delivery Services
Ootsa Air
PJY’s Services Ltd.
Pender Harbour/Madeira Park IGA
Shop Easy Hagensborg Mercantile
Tru Value Foods Pender Island Driftwood Centre
Vi & Cor’s Food Basket
Product Suppliers:
Cawston Cold Storage
Join Us!
To find out how you or your business can support this exciting program, contact Fresh for Kids.
Teachers and Parents Ask the Best Questions
We have some Frequently Asked Questions on Fresh for Kids, we thought we would share the answers with all of you!
Our new name, Fresh for Kids, better reflects our mission while making our program more approachable. We maintain the same commitment to providing fresh, local produce to BC students.
No, all existing partnerships continue unchanged. We're simply making the program more accessible and user-friendly.
All existing agreements will transition seamlessly to Fresh for Kids. No additional paperwork is required.
Visit freshforkids.ca to learn about our exciting fundraising opportunities that extend fresh, local products to your entire school community.
If there is an issue with the condition and/or quality of the produce, please take pictures and e-mail them to help@aitc.ca.
Specifically, we need pictures of:
- the actual produce
- the outside of the boxes in which the produce arrived
- any expiry dates on the boxes or on the packaging inside the boxes
Call the BCSFVNP office’s toll-free number 1-866-517-6225 as soon as possible after you’ve e-mailed the pictures and steps will be taken immediately to correct the problem.
For a complete list of the refrigeration needs of all our produce, refer to our Fruit and Vegetable Storage Guide on page 13 of the Coordinator Guide. Dairy products and eggs must be refrigerated.
There may be occasions when growing conditions affect our BC crops and we will need to utilize other sources, such as Canadian produce and in some instances imported products.
But we do our best to ensure top quality BC produce whenever possible.
Some of the produce we provide in the Program is organically grown. Many of the products we use are not certified organic but are grown utilizing organic practices.
Absolutely. BC boasts some of the safest growing practices in the world. The Canadian Food Inspection Agency regularly checks produce for pesticide residues and our produce is considered some of the safest in the world. All of the fruits and vegetables used in the program are HACCP certified. This means that the growers follow all the best growing practices, and packing and safety techniques.
One reason you may have leftover produce is that, for food safety reasons, we do not break case lots of produce. Each school has the ability to utilize leftover produce however they see fit. Some schools use leftover produce for sports teams, in the school Culinary Arts or Home Economics class, provide it to a school meal program, while others package it up and send it home with children they feel are in need. This is a school-based decision.
The fruits and vegetables provided in the BCSVNP have been on a journey since their harvest at the grower so it is always a good idea to wash them prior to consumption. This can be easily achieved in most cases right in the packaging. Tree fruits have all been water bathed, but it’s a good idea to rinse prior to consumption. This is a good opportunity to emphasize with students one of the BCSFVNP objectives of safe food handling, no different than washing your hands. The fruits and vegetables that we provide are easily consumed without slicing or dicing. Enjoy them whole!
Those fruits and vegetables listed under “What products need to be refrigerated?” must not be left un-refrigerated for more than 2 hours. Other produce can be left out and served in class at the teachers' convenience.
The safety requirements for receiving, storing and handling the produce are outlined on pages 3-7 in the In-School Coordinator’s guide. It is recommended that your school have a FOODSAFE Level 1 certified handler. All hand washing and safety procedures as outlined in the FOODSAFE guide must be followed. All produce should be checked for freshness before being delivered to the classroom. Any quality issues should be recorded in the Monthly Log located on the School Login and reported to the BCSFVNP office. (See question “What if there’s a problem with my delivery?”).
This is not uncommon. In order for you to have the highest quality produce, we order from our suppliers up to 6 weeks in advance of your delivery date. Since we don’t want it to be over-ripe when it gets to you (thus inedible), we err on the side of caution so the produce may be a little under-ripe. Under-ripe produce also endures the trip from the supplier to the schools much easier than over-ripe produce. Please wait until your produce is ripe before you distribute it to the students. If your produce is a little underripe, placing it out on the counter next to some bananas (which give off a natural ethylene gas) will help it ripen quicker.
One method that we’ve heard used by schools was to use paper cupcake holders for each student’s serving. They are recyclable and inexpensive.
Up until Jun 29, 2013, none of the FOODSAFE Level 1 certificates had an expiry date. It was a one-time training. As of June 29, 2013 all new FOODSAFE Level 1 certificates issued in BC have a five-year expiry date. FOODSAFE Level 1 certifications without an expiry date expired on July 29, 2018. To obtain a new certificate holders can take an inexpensive and short three-hour refresher course. For accurate information on this topic, please contact the FOODSAFE Authority in your area through foodsafe.ca.
The main reason to take FOODSAFE training is to protect the public from foodborne illnesses.
It is our responsibility to ensure that the fruits and vegetables are safe to eat before they leave our supplier. It is the school’s responsibility to guarantee that they have a person inspecting all produce before it is distributed to the students.
Days where your school does not have a representative to sign for a delivery and therefore, cannot accept product, should be registered as a “no-deliver” day on the School Login. These days may include Pro-D days, holidays, spring break, etc. Once submitted, these changes will move seamlessly into our database. Please remember — we require a minimum of 4 weeks’ notice in order to reinstate or cancel a delivery.
If you know of someone at your school who will be available to accept the delivery on a day when students are not in session, we do not need to be advised of that date and cancellation is not necessary.
If a delivery date is cancelled, the product is not rescheduled for another day. The school will forfeit that delivery and will not be charged.
Fruit and vegetable crops are susceptible to many outside influences such as weather, temperature, and handling. Any variation in these influences can affect how quickly or slowly they ripen. Anything less than 5% of spoiled produce in your delivery is within a somewhat normal range. If more than 5% of your delivery is spoiled, please refer to “What if there is a problem with our delivery?” for instructions on what to do.
Unless the apples are organic a wax coating is added to whole apples. When apples are still on the tree they have a natural protective coating that slows dehydration and seals in moisture, but after they are picked the natural coating is removed. They are waxed to keep them fresh and looking fine.
The wax that is used is vegetable based, completely edible, safe, and approved by Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada. It is used very sparsely — a single gallon of wax will coat five tons of apples!
It’s not just apples that are waxed. Citrus fruits, rutabagas, cucumbers, many tomatoes, melons, and peppers also go through this same waxing process.
A recommended portion is: 1 medium-sized fruit or vegetable, or 1⁄2 cup (125 mL) of raw, fruits or vegetables. Refer to the Suggested Portions document for distribution recommendations on page 12 of the Coordinator Guide.
Program coordinators have access to the list of scheduled products on the Delivery Schedule located on the School Login. Specific allergies can be registered on the school Login and that delivery will be automatically cancelled.
It will be delivered on the same day, in the same refrigerated truck as the fruits and vegetables on the Fresh for Kids.
The milk comes in 120 mL foil top cups. One portion is provided per student.
The milk containers are #5 plastic, which is recyclable.
Return them to Return-It collection sites for the 10-cent deposit refund.
The school receiver and/or Fresh for Kids In-School Coordinator will remove the milk from the crates and ensure it is put directly into the refrigerator. The driver is required to take away the crates when he/she returns on the next delivery.
If there is an issue with the condition and/or quality of your milk, please record the issue and upload any pictures on the School Login, via the “Complete Log” link next to the product in the delivery list. Specifically, we need pictures of:
- the actual milk containers
- the outside of the boxes in which the milk arrived
- any expiry dates or best before dates on the boxes or the packaging inside the boxes
Call the Fresh for Kids office toll-free number 1-866-517-6225 as soon as possible after you've uploaded the pictures and steps will be taken to correct the problem.
If the milk is frozen, it is still good to drink. Just thaw it in the fridge. If it separates upon thawing, have the students shake the containers a few times before consuming. For more information go to http://bcdairy.ca/milk/articles/keeping-milk-fresh.
Discard any expired milk and recycle the containers. Or return them to a Return-It collection site for a 10-cent refund.
- keep milk cold
- put milk in the refrigerator immediately after delivery
- store milk in the fridge at 4˚ C (40˚ F) or lower
- check the temperature of your refrigerator to make sure it maintains a temperature below 4˚ C
- check the best before date and consume milk before that date
You may utilize any additional milk servings however you see fit. Leftover servings may be distributed to sports teams or school meal programs. This is a school-based decision.
Days where your school does not have a representative to sign for a delivery and therefore cannot accept product, should be registered as a “no-deliver” day on the School Login. These days may include Pro-D days, holidays, spring break, etc. Once submitted, these changes will move seamlessly into our database. Please remember — we require a minimum of 4 weeks’ notice in order to reinstate or cancel a delivery.
If you know of someone at your school who will be available to accept the delivery on a day when students are not in session, we do not need to be advised of that date and cancellation is not necessary.
No, your Milk delivery will still arrive at your school on your scheduled delivery date. It’s only the cancelled fruit or vegetable that won’t be delivered on that date.
Please visit www.bcdairy.ca or call the BC Dairy Association at 1-800-242-6455.