Teacher Champion - Danielle Hill

Teacher Champion - Danielle Hill

Teacher Champion - Danielle Hill

In this issue of our BCAITC Teacher Champion series, we profile BC teacher Danielle Hill. Discover her passion for educating students about BC agriculture, food, and the environment.


Q: What school do you teach? A: I teach at Colleen and Gordie Howe Middle School in Abbotsford, BC.


Q: What grade(s) do you teach? A: I am the teacher for Indigenous Success, I teach grades 6, 7, and 8.


Q: How and when did you first learn about BCAITC? A: I first learned about BCAITC 10 years ago when my previous school participated in the BC School Fruits and Vegetable Nutrition Program. A few years back, a teacher suggested that I explore other programs BCAITC offers. The first program, I participated in was the Spuds in Tubs Program, where my classroom and I learned about growing potatoes.


Q: How long have you been teaching students about BC agriculture and food? A: I have been teaching students about BC Agriculture and food for over 10 years now.


Q: What are the most important things that you want your students to learn about BC agriculture and food? A: BC has a rich history of Indigenous agriculture and food systems. I want my students to learn about traditional practices, such as the cultivation of native plants, fish and game management, and the cultural significance of food to Indigenous communities. This knowledge fosters respect and appreciation for Indigenous heritage and contributions.


Q: BCAITC has over 500 free downloadable resources including lesson plans, activities, videos, recipes, and more! What is your favourite BCAITC resource and why? A: My favourite resource is 10 Reasons to Buy Local Food. This resource helps in understanding the concept of food security and the local food systems. Through this resource I can teach my students how supporting local farmers markets and food cooperatives can enhance community resilience, reduce carbon footprints, and ensure access to fresh, nutritious food.


Q: What is your favourite BCAITC program and why? A: My favourite program is Common Ground-The Strawberry Project. This program offers hands-on activities that actively engage students in the learning process. By participating in planting, growing, and harvesting strawberries, students gain practical experience and a deeper understanding of agricultural processes. The program also includes information on the historical and cultural significance of strawberries, both globally and within BC. This fosters a greater appreciation for the cultural heritage associated with food.


Q: Describe an agriculture or food-based project/program you have implemented in your classroom/school recently. A: I have implemented the Common Ground - The Strawberry Project in my classroom. This program seamlessly integrates various subjects such as science, math, and health. Students learn about plant biology, the importance of nutrients, and the mathematics of measuring growth and yields. The program enriches their overall learning experience with hands-on activities.


Q: Do you have any advice for other educators on how to integrate agriculture and food education into their curriculum? A: I advise other educators to engage students with hands-on learning experiences like planting a school garden, growing herbs in the classroom, or participating in cooking demonstrations. These activities make learning interactive and more memorable.



About the Teacher Champion Series: This monthly BCAITC series features BC teachers and school staff who are passionate about providing agriculture and food education to K-12 students. For more information, contact BCAITC Communications Coordinator, communications@aitc.ca.