Board of Directors Recruitment
The B.C. Agriculture in the Classroom Foundation (AITC) is seeking nominations for the Board of Directors. The organization serves a valuable role in helping educators to bring BC agriculture and food to their students. The BC Agriculture in the Classroom Foundation is supported by the BC Ministry of Agriculture and Food, the BC Ministry of Health, the BC Ministry of Education and Child care, private donors, as well as the agriculture community in our province.
The Foundation is governed by a Board of Directors represented by Agri-food business leaders, farmers, educators, and health professionals. It really is a great organization. There is currently a seat open for an Educator or a Farmer/Producer.
AITC meets on Zoom currently, usually on the third Tuesday of each month, 9-11am (except months of: March, June, July, August, December). The meeting time is negotiable each year at the AGM in April dependent on the time schedules of the Board members. The Board is responsible for the policy and direction of the Foundation. There are 5 committees that members are involved in, to direct action: Nominations, Finance, Educational Resources, Partnership Development and Human Resources. It is expected that each Board member choose a committee to share their expertise on (approximately 1 hour per month). It is a volunteer position and there is no remuneration for Board participation.
Our Foundation is currently heavily involved in the BC School Fruit and Vegetable Nutritional Program https://www.bcaitc.ca/bc-school-fruit-vegetable-nutritional-program , and numerous other programs https://www.bcaitc.ca/index.php/programs reaching K-12 classrooms throughout BC. We also provide resources https://www.bcaitc.ca/resources to BC teachers improve agricultural awareness and food literacy.
If you are interested in getting involved as a Board Member https://www.bcaitc.ca/our-board with B.C. Agriculture in the Classroom, please send a short bio or CV and paragraph expression of interest that can be shared with the nomination committee for consideration.
Please feel free to contact Nominations Committee Chair, David Comrie dcomrie3@gmail.com if you have any questions. You may also email BCAITC Executive Director Pat Tonn Pat@aitc.ca or contact her at (604) 302-9804 if you would like to discuss this further.